
There’s no evidence that Freud ever said this, but this was the origin of the title: “Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure you are not, in fact, surrounded by assholes”.

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Thanks for thoughtful information.. too many people casually “throw around” terms to describe someone they are simply annoyed with… and narcissist is far too common a choice.. when perhaps simply mean self centered/self serving…

Can perhaps hope people will use your information … become more thoughtful with labels….

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Yes - such an important point (though I must confess it's tempting to make an exception for the Trumps of this world!) Thanks for articulating this so beautifully.

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Excellent!!!! this is a really important post. People flippantly use these disorders to label and demean folks without realizing the impact these labels have.

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Thank you @Lindsey Kontovich

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Selfish and self-centered is the human condition. Beyond that—leave it to the professionals ☺️

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