You reminded me of something. When I was a teen, one of my favorite television shows was "The Donna Reed Show." I wanted to be her, and have a husband like hers. A "man of the family," who made good money and took care of his family while she was free to dress in pearls and heels while making dinner. Sometimes you can find these old shows on various channels and I was delighted to see I could watch this one again. I was appalled at the sexism! I so relate to you growing up with westerns and playing "cowboys and Indians," and not thinking a thing of it. I recently saw a movie (recently made) where the Native Americans would perpetrate horrible violence on innocent white women and children for "no apparent reason." I was rather surprised...I think we can get unbalanced views on just about anything depending how things are presented to us...lazily lapping up film or even books without thinking critically or searching further. Memory is such a curious thing. Growth and insight can color our former memories and change not only what we thought happened but how we feel about what our minds told us happened at the time. I'm in a season where I'm "re-thinking" a decade of experiences based on what I now know to be the facts. It's an odd feeling.

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My wife and I have been watching the original Lassie series which ran from 1954-73. It’s an interesting window into the American psyche.

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It's so interesting to me how we change over our lifespan. I didn't begin college until I was fifty years old and my memory of some of the things I thought and said out loud in class make me cringe now. LOL

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